Happy New Year!
At the turn of every new year, many people embrace resolutions, composing vision boards and writing down goals. Most times, a major part of those resolutions or goal planning sessions is seeking a more fulfilling, lucrative, or purposeful career change. In recruiting, the first quarter is one of our busiest times of year. We get approval to work on brand new openings and employees vacate their positions after annual appraisal and bonus cycles, moving on to other opportunities, which leaves us looking for backfills.
Recruiters everywhere are looking for talent! Not just talent in the sense of a technical skill set, but communication skills (written/oral), personality, engagement, etc. It is important that jobseekers know that the key to obtaining that next opportunity or advancing within their current environment, is to lead with TALENT. Here are a few tips on how to lead with well-rounded talent in 2022:
- Survey and write down the things you are good at – Take a look at your strengths and capitalize on them in whatever environment you find yourself in
- Whether you work in Corporate America or for yourself, go above and beyond your basic job description/role. To have the foundation in which to ask for a particular salary, fee, or increase you will need to demonstrate your capacity to be exceptional in your role.
- Make a concerted effort to improve yourself via professional and personal development. If you need to take a class, get a certification or advanced degree, engage an executive coach, or talk to a therapist, those are all things that can help.
- Get involved in things outside of work or business. Engaging in community service or lending your talent to other organizations is always a plus,
We hope that you have a prosperous New Year!