This was an article written for LinkedIn at the start of the year, but it’s a little reminder to stay positive in the midst of everything.
Someone asked me earlier in the year, if I subscribe to making New Year’s resolutions and my answer was, “No, I have none.” What!? Yes, of course I have goals and things I’d like to see achieved this year and every year, but I have not put the undue stress of resolutions on myself. My sole focus, no matter what happens, is to think POSITIVE! That may be cliché but I think it’s a necessary art. Being in a consistent state of positivity takes effort and maturity, especially when things don’t go the way you think they should.
Let me be the example, from a career-oriented perspective. I’ve had many great opportunities in my life and career. Some of them, at times did not make me happy, as I thought they should. It was during these times my attitude changed, I shut down, talked to my work friends daily rehashing negative thoughts, and gave the proverbial “silent treatment” to my employer so they would recognize how unhappy I was and do something about it. What I thought was keeping to myself, made me stand out as not a team player, a negative contributor, and a follower not a leader. This my friends is not the answer…
As I look back over my career, I missed out on some things because I did not have a positive outlook in the moment. I realized that sometimes in the midst of chaos and uncomfortable spots, if you have an attitude of positivity it can change the outcome for the better. It’s very hard to do that when you are dealing with challenging people and situations but positivity is a must have. It’s an intrinsic characteristic that makes you the best version of yourself.
In this year of 2020, I challenge you to lead with positivity and have the expectation of it at every turn.
-The Recruiter